Believe It or Not!
Evaporating Water Myths

  1. Native Plants Use Less Water

    Believe it or not, using native and adapted plants and flowers in your landscape is a beautiful way to save water! Imagine a lush and colorful oasis filled with drought-tolerant or native plants. Now that’s what we call a Texas SmartScape™. Once established, these landscapes thrive on less water, can take the Texas heat, and are easier to maintain.

  2. Only Water Up to Twice Per Week

    Believe it or not you don't have to water every day to keep your lawn green! Up to twice a week is all you need. Especially in the summer. You want to water deep and infrequent to build strong roots that can withstand our Texas droughts. And if it rains, turn your sprinklers off for the week. This will help keep your lawn healthy and save thousands of gallons.

  3. It's Easy to Program Your Sprinklers

    Believe it or not most sprinkler systems are easy to program! Get comfortable with start times, run times and program settings. If you have lost your controller manual, search the model on the internet. There are also many videos available to demonstrate scheduling. Learn the "cycle and soak" method. Many lawns have clay soil and water can't soak into the ground very quickly.

    • Every time your sprinklers run it can use thousands of gallons. Know how much water your system uses so you are not surprised when you receive the bill.
    • On days you water, set it to water before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. During the middle of the night or early morning hours are best.
    • Break up your watering days with multiple start times (cycles), short run times (6 minutes for fixed sprays and 13 minutes with rotor sprays) and schedule them an hour apart (soak). This is the "cycle and soak" method.
    • An example schedule to water a half-inch in a week with fixed sprays is to water on Wednesday and Saturday at 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. for 6 minutes each. This gets water to soak into the ground and not run off wasted. Learn more outdoor water saving tips.

  4. A Dripping Faucet Wastes 3,000 Gallons

    Believe it or not a dripping faucet wastes 3,000 gallons of water a year! Fixing even one leaky faucet can save a lot. Did you know a stuck toilet flapper can waste around 200 gallons per hour? Find more resources to help fix-a-leak.

Find do-it-yourself brochures and other water-saving resources at Water is Awesome.