Welcome to Texas Yard Makeover!
We are sharing tips on how to have a great yard and still save water because Water Is Awesome!

Simple Ways to Save with Sprinklers

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover, we’re talking sprinklers. How to use them correctly, when to water, how to water and how to program that controller. Let’s get started.

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Use Native Plants

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover, we’re talking native plants. They’re beautiful, they’re Texas tough and they don’t need much water. Let’s see how you can use them in your yard.

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Smart Landscape Design

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover, let’s look at smart landscape design. The right design can help you save water. There are some basic principles you can start using in your yard right away.

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Sprinkler System Upgrades

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover, we’re talking about sprinkler systems. There are lots of great options out there – drip irrigation, multi stream heads and more. Let’s see what’s right for your yard.

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Best Tips to Save Water

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover, we’re looking at all the ways you can save water and still have a beautiful landscape. From how often you water to which plants you select. It all adds up to big water savings.

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Sistemas de Aspersión

En este episodio de Texas Yard Makeover estaremos hablando de sistemas de aspersión. Aprenderemos con qué frecuencia se debe regar asegurándonos de tener el equipo adecuado en el sistema.

Diseña tu Jardín

Prepárense para ver una transformación increíble mientras convertimos este deslucido jardín Tejano en un agradable oasis para el agua, que equilibra perfectamente belleza y sustentabilidad.