Welcome to Texas Yard Makeover – Weekend Edition!

We are sharing tips and resources for your next project that saves water and improves your yard. Watch new episodes below and pick a weekend project because Water Is Awesome!

Save Water with a Sprinkler Check

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover – Weekend Edition, we’re going to show you how to check your system for leaks and broken sprinkler heads. Plus, we’ll cover setting your controller to water twice a week or less this summer. Let’s get started.

Weekend Project Resources:

Create a Pollinator Garden Using Native Plants

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover – Weekend Edition, we’ll show you how to plan out a pollinator garden, look at some popular native plants and walk you through how to get them in the ground and growing. Let’s plant native!

Weekend Project Resources:

Save Water with Weekend Sprinkler Projects

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover – Weekend Edition, we’ll look at an easy way to convert a zone to a drip system, upgrade your old sprays with new, high-efficiency rotary nozzles, and change out your controller to a smart WaterSense labeled unit you can easily program with your phone to water twice a week or less. You’re gonna like this one.

Weekend Project Resources:

Set Your Lawn Up for Success

On this episode of Texas Yard Makeover - Weekend Edition, we talk about the first steps to getting the lawn you’ve always wanted. We discuss what lawns need to do well, what type of grass works best, how to improve the soil and making sure you’re mowing the right way at the right time of year. Having a great lawn starts right now.

Weekend Project Resources:

Prueba los Aspersores Mensualmente

En este episodio de Texas Yard Makeover edición fin de semana, trajimos un experto: Julian. Él es inspector de irrigación de la Ciudad de Frisco, y nos va a enseñar a ahorrar agua con nuestro sistema de aspersores. ¿Qué vas a hacer el próximo fin de semana?

Hablando de Plantas Nativas

En este episodio de Texas Yard Makeover, hablaremos sobre los sistemas de aspersión. Con qué frecuencia deberías regar, cómo detectar fugas en el sistema, y los sistemas de riego por goteo. También vamos a hablar de las plantas nativas.